The Benefits of Low-E Glass for Homeowners

Low-E glass or low emissivity glass can improve the comfort of your home and reduce energy consumption thereby lowering utility costs. This glass is able to control transfer of heat and UV radiation all the while bringing in natural light to the home and creating an inviting ambience.

Low-E glass has a very thin transparent layer of metal or metal oxide.

This will reflect infrared heat radiation while still allowing visible light to pass. And this will reduce the heat transfer between the interior of the building and its exterior. You can further improve the effect by having double glazed windows with low-E glass installed. This will control the flow of radiant energy so that a more comfortable indoor environment can be maintained throughout the year. You can improve your home energy efficiency with the addition of low-E glass. This helps reduce heat transfer through doors and windows so that the workload on heating and cooling systems can be minimised. This will lead to lower energy consumption and lower utility bills. If you are in a region that has winter or cold months, heat can be retained indoors when you install low-E glass. This is achieved by reflecting radiant heat back into the room so that the need for heating can be reduced. This effect will help block unwanted gain of solar heat in the summer so that your interior can be kept cooler. This will reduce the demand for air-conditioning. You will be able to enjoy significant energy savings over time as a result of this.

Fading and damage to furniture can occur as a result of exposure to UV radiation.

This will also damage interior furnishings such as flooring and artwork. A large part of UV radiation will be blocked by low-E glass which can help prevent this issue. This will protect your belongings from sun damage so that their aesthetic appeal can be preserved. You can use low-E glass for your home windows and doors in order to protect your investments. This will help maintain the beauty of your home interior. Indoor comfort can be enhanced with low-E glass as it helps in maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the home. When heat transfer is reduced, cold spots near the windows in winter can be prevented. And this will also prevent overheating in areas that are exposed to the sun in the summer. A more comfortable living area can then be created for the occupants and you will notice fewer fluctuations in temperature.

As a result of low-E glass,

Glare from sunlight is reduced and this will provide softer and more diffused light. This can help improve your visual comfort and it is a great way to reduce eye strain. You will be able to prioritise indoor comfort with low-E glass which will help improve your quality of life. With the addition of multiple layers of glass and low-E coatings, external noise can be dampened as well. And this will contribute to a more peaceful indoor environment. You can combine low-E glass with reflected or tinted coatings to improve privacy.

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